Our Quest to Preserve Rare & Endangered Breeds
Olde English "BabyDoll" Miniature Southdown Sheep
Thanks for visiting!  We can be reached @ (801)836-8506 - E-mail grailgal@hotmail.com
Trinity bred by Serendipity Ranch.  She never fails to give us beautiful lambs.  We have bred her to Ebenizer.   Lambs will be full Brother/Sister to last years lambs in pictures to the left. Singled her first year and has twined  years since.  
Jubaalee's and Yogi's Ewe lamb '09
Emmy and her lambs
Last year was the first year we had Lucky.  Pictures of her and her ram lamb
Loddie and her black ewe lamb from last year and Little her ram lamb from '09.
Joy and the flock of lambs she has given us through the years. She will be place with a special family this year to enjoy the rest of he life.
Cubby our BabyDoll Shetland Cross with her first lamb Tucker.  He was the cutest lamb ever what a personality. 
Tuutaaluu will be a first time lamber this year
Smurfy will be a first time lamber this year.
Blarney will be a first time lamber this year
Loddie and Little our '09 ram lamb
Meet our EWES